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Hollow Fiber UNA-620A Ultrafiltration Membrane Water Purification And Filtration Water Reuse

The UNA Series (hollow fiber filtration) modules are designed for reverse osmosis (RO) pretreatment applications. AriaSM systems incorporating UNA modules can replace conventional upstream operations such as flocculation, settling and granular media filtration. The modules provide consistent high-quality effluent, independent of incoming raw water quality without the use of coagulating chemicals, typically achieving a SDI of < 2 - 3 and a turbidity of < 0.08 NTU. These robust Aria systems have a comparatively small footprint, are modular in design, and are fully automated. They may be easily incorporated into the existing DI water infrastructure.
Name: UNA-620A Ultrafiltration/ hollow fiber filtration
Brand: Mango
Size: Customisable
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